Chores, routines, etc!

Welcome back! So lately I've been focusing on getting a routine down that works for both D and I! We have found one that works most of the time and it has been cutting down on temper tantrums a lot. D still doesn't talk much--he's 19 months old. He's trying but it all still comes out jumbled, so we've been working on it. In the meantime, we've been using schedules and routine charts. I use stickers to keep track of what we have done and I let D do them himself and he loves it! It's so easy to use and after each task D comes over and puts a sticker on the chart. I'm not sure if he completely understands what he's doing but he likes it :) As for the "CHORE" part of the morning routine I try and change it up everyday so he doesn't get bored. Sometimes it's something as simple as helping Mommy make a bed, or fold blankets. Other times he helps me with his diaper laundry (recently started to cloth diaper, hopefully bloggi...