Chores, routines, etc!

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So lately I've been focusing on getting a routine down that works for both D and I! We have found one that works most of the time and it has been cutting down on temper tantrums a lot. D still doesn't talk much--he's 19 months old. He's trying but it all still comes out jumbled, so we've been working on it. In the meantime, we've been using schedules and routine charts.

I use stickers to keep track of what we have done and I let D do them himself and he loves it!

It's so easy to use and after each task D comes over and puts a sticker on the chart. I'm not sure if he completely understands what he's doing but he likes it :) 

As for the "CHORE" part of the morning routine I try and change it up everyday so he doesn't get bored. Sometimes it's something as simple as helping Mommy make a bed, or fold blankets. Other times he helps me with his diaper laundry (recently started to cloth diaper, hopefully blogging about this at a later time!) or laundry in general. 

The other day he actually carried his laundry basket out to the laundry room and started loading the washing machine without me asking, prompting, or without me knowing actually! I walked out to him putting the basket down and putting clothes in, it was too cute not to take a picture! 

He may trash my house more often than not, but he is also a fantastic helper. He's been helping cook, or bake. He likes to cut up veggies with me (I make him use a spoon, he gets frustrated, but I haven't invested in toddler safe knives yet) 

In my opinion children are never too early to start helping. I have been teaching D to clean up his messes since he was around 9 months old, and I am thankful that he has retained most of what I've said :-P But he really is very good with helping, want to know the secret? Monkey see, monkey do! :) I start cleaning something and ask if he can do it too, and he does. He is such a sweet boy. 

I am attaching the routine in case anyone would like to use it!
Here's the link! 

Thoughts? Questions? Concerns? Leave them here for me to see! :) 


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