Crafts with 1 year old!
Okay--so as cute as I think babies are I LOVE that D has turned 1! I'm just so excited that his vocabulary will start growing, and he's exploring and learning new things all the time. I'm most excited that I've discovered some crafts to do with him! I'm a neat-freak but when it comes to D there are no restrictions on messes. So, I was looking up things to do with him and I went to Walmart and searched the aisles. I picked him up Crayola Jumbo Crayons, a coloring book, and some finger paint. I second guessed myself thinking that he was still too little for these things, but decided to give it a shot. I started with the coloring. I used painters tape to tape the page down so he didn't rip it, etc. He wasn't sure what to do, so I sat down next to him with a picture of my own to demonstrate. He started to see what I was doing and gave it a whirl (okay, so he mostly just banged the crayons onto the paper, haha, but it worked) We do this at least three tim...