Pumpkin Week: Day 3!

Today was day 3 of pumpkin week for tot school! We don't do usually much more than an hour of "learning." Today we did a book, some songs, sensory play, a craft, and then we watched a movie. Book Today we watched a read-along on YouTube of Duck & Goose Find a Pumpkin . It was a quick and easy read with the entire video being under three and a half minutes. It was a cute book, and very easy for the toddlers (my son, and my nephew) to follow along with. My son is 2.5 years old, and my nephew is 1.5 years old. We like quick and easy, since these two are busy guys! Craft For our craft today, we did an easy painted pumpkin. I printed a pumpkin template out onto painting paper (trimmed down to fit into the printer) and then put the paper in a gallon sized baggie with some orange paint. I closed the bag up and let them push the paint around with their fingers. I was going to do a color mixing of yellow and red to make orange, but the last time they each...