
Showing posts from May, 2017

Summer bucket list!

So with Memorial Day coming up next week (I know, I don't believe it either!) I've been making a summer bucket list to do with the kiddos! We are a one car family so most of the items will be done in the evenings or weekends. I will,however, have the car two weeks out of the summer while my husband is away at his annual training, so that will give me more of an opportunity to do some of these fun activities! These are just some ideas I have currently, there will likely be more added! S u m m e r B u c k e t L i s t   ·     Baseball game (FREE for gen. admission) ·         Zoo (FREE) ·        Park ·         Beach (FREE parking w/ mil I.D.) ·        Nature Center ($8 parking if no attendant/FREE if there’s someone at the booth) ·         Camping ($20/n...

Space week!

This week in our homeschool adventure- we are doing the solar system! Today is Monday, so it's only day one but I plan the whole week out on Sundays. I got a free printable from Teaching Mama  HERE  for planning out the week and I love it. I pull up my Pinterest board, open Word, check out what resources I have for our theme and go to work. From start to finish I can spend about two hours a week planning, printing, and making things to do.                                                                                                                                  My resources I have. This is what it looks like after I've just started Thi...

ABC Bingo

I'm trying to teach my 4 year old all his letters without doing worksheets and book work. He loves games and being hands on, so I'm been exploring different ways to teach them. He knows about half his letters with minimal worksheets. So I decided to try and come up with an idea he would love. Then it occurred to me... he *LOVES* Bingo.  I went into Word and created my very own Bingo. All together the process may have taken me 2 hours, because I made the boards from scratch (using only Clipart at the bottom) and I laminated them. I could have hand written these, but I love to make things that will hold up against two boys (Heaven knows some days even *I* can't hold up against the two of them!) But feel free to use whatever you have on hand! We played 4 games and Sport beat me in all except 1, which was the first game :). We just used cut up scraps of paper to cover the letters. He was clearly concentrating very hard ;) I'm glad that I did this because he was...

What a weird day....erhm, week!

We've had such a weird week around here. It's been rainy and cold, but I have no idea of that's contributing to the weirdness of the week. It's almost  9am on a Friday morning and my youngest is still asleep. This is going in the record books, because historically, I create early risers! Let's talk about my mommy failures of the week though...maybe it'll help you feel better about yourself ;) 1) I'm sitting on the couch in my pajamas from last night, wearing a sweatshirt over it, with Grey's Anatomy on the tv. Haven't eaten, probably won't brush my hair, but I've fed the oldest.....well, kind of. He's eating cereal. Straight from the bag. Feel better yet? You are welcome. 2) Homeschool hasn't happened this week. 1) My kid is 4 I'm not stressing it 2) He's also had an off week behavior wise and sleep wise, so that definitely factors in. Fear not though, he painted me a giant red painting (red, the color of rage...?) with ve...