Space week!
This week in our homeschool adventure- we are doing the solar system!
Today is Monday, so it's only day one but I plan the whole week out on Sundays. I got a free printable from Teaching Mama HERE for planning out the week and I love it. I pull up my Pinterest board, open Word, check out what resources I have for our theme and go to work. From start to finish I can spend about two hours a week planning, printing, and making things to do.
My resources I have.
I bought our copy at Barnes and Noble, but you could probably get it anywhere!
This was the cute little sun he cut out! You can see some errors and hacks, but he's slowly making progress!
Today is Monday, so it's only day one but I plan the whole week out on Sundays. I got a free printable from Teaching Mama HERE for planning out the week and I love it. I pull up my Pinterest board, open Word, check out what resources I have for our theme and go to work. From start to finish I can spend about two hours a week planning, printing, and making things to do.
My resources I have.
This is what it looks like after I've just started
This is what it looks like the next day :)
Today during circle time we did our calendar like we always do, sang our days of the week song, and then we read a book. Today's book was Hello, World! Solar System by Jill McDonald
I bought our copy at Barnes and Noble, but you could probably get it anywhere!
We also did "what I know about the solar system" on a piece of paper on our wall. He loves space and planets. And he loves saying "We live on planet Earth!" He's been saying that for weeks.
I put this in a sheet protector so that Sport could use a dry erase marker. He did it a few times in a row just for practice. This is really good for his fine motor delays, he changes the grasp of holding the marker, pencil, whatever it us that he's using. so we just keep at it!
Another fine motor activity we did a cutting activity. In our cutting workbook there was a sun, so of course I picked that. He still really struggles with scissors, opening and closing and turning etc. This was a good place to see if he's made any improvements lately.
This was the cute little sun he cut out! You can see some errors and hacks, but he's slowly making progress!
We're working on his pressure and grip with the pencil, but he's improved so much in the last year, or even the last 6 months! He loves the addition worksheets with pictures. He wrote his name and numbers with minimal help. This is a worksheet that I made in a few minutes on Word. It's nothing fancy but it got the job done!
The gross motor game was adapted from the 3 dinosaurs over HERE. I didn't have the giant dice she used (but I so want to order them, I didn't know these were a thing!) I allowed him to choose to roll one die or both dice, and then do what activity the die/dice told him (roll a 1, do one thing......roll an 8, do something else, etc) We played this for a while and he loved it, but the best part of this was so great for his sensory seeking!
For art we did foot print rocket ships! We've done this before (exactly a year ago, actually....) and Sport remembered everything we did with them (including that we apparently did them sitting on the floor) I vaguely remember the details, but he doesn't forget anything! We let Squirt do things with us for school when we can (art, books, etc) so he got to do his footprint rocket too! Here is one of the rockets, I think they turned out so stinkin' cute! And they were SO simple to make!
A close up picture of his shirt he had to wear! I love it haha.
This is usually what my table looks like after school (and we don't even use the table for school, except to hold supplies! haha)
I hope you've enjoyed this post, one in which I actually have most of my sh stuff together! Ask me again on Wednesday and we'll see what I say ;) If you would like any of the printables or want me to include the ones I made I will link them as well! Thanks for reading!!
-Hot Mess Mama-
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