ABC Bingo

I'm trying to teach my 4 year old all his letters without doing worksheets and book work. He loves games and being hands on, so I'm been exploring different ways to teach them. He knows about half his letters with minimal worksheets.

So I decided to try and come up with an idea he would love. Then it occurred to me... he *LOVES* Bingo.  I went into Word and created my very own Bingo. All together the process may have taken me 2 hours, because I made the boards from scratch (using only Clipart at the bottom) and I laminated them. I could have hand written these, but I love to make things that will hold up against two boys (Heaven knows some days even *I* can't hold up against the two of them!) But feel free to use whatever you have on hand!

We played 4 games and Sport beat me in all except 1, which was the first game :). We just used cut up scraps of paper to cover the letters.

He was clearly concentrating very hard ;) I'm glad that I did this because he was so interested and it held his attention for a while (that says A LOT) This maaaaay have been the only thing I got accomplished today except for cooking and baths, whoops, but the night is still young!

I'm including these boards for download for your *personal* use. Don't go selling them to anyone ;) If you see any typos (repeated letters, etc) feel free to tell me in the comments so I can adjust them!

The link for the bingo boards is HERE There are 10 boards plus the letters for calling. We laminated those as well and put them in a cup for calling!

Happy Bingo!


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