Tinker Tuesday- Lego creations!
Happy Tuesday!
So today was a prime example of how sometimes, we just have to adjust our plans! I had an idea in my head to have the boys play with Legos and make different structures and landscapes. That seemed difficult for today's task though, so I shortened it. I decided to have D make a bridge.
I had a blue Lego plate and took out some blocks (there were more not pictured in a bin next to us, this was just for the photo's sake) and I said "the blue plate is water. We need to build a bridge to get over it. Can you do that?" and D went to work.
He got another step or two after this before getting frustrated and saying "mommy, can we build robots instead?" Obviously, this is just a learn for fun type of activity and I didn't want him to get so frustrated he didn't want to build anymore, so we decided to build robots instead. I have to say, I impressed myself with my creation!
Of course, once D saw mine he had to build his bigger and better. And then, he blindsided my robot and made him crash to the ground and broke. And declared his robot as the winner. I wasn't even present for this battle but he so kindly told me that I was controlling my robot, and I should have faught back. I laughed. It wasn't that serious, but to him, clearly it was.
His robot looked like this before he made it bigger than mine (I didn't get a picture, because in the 15 seconds I walked away, they (the robots) battled, my robot lost, and he accidentally broke his robot in the process. SO, this was all I was able to capture.
Now, how is this different from just playing with Legos like we do all the time? We had a purpose. We may have changed the purpose, but we still had one. When we play with Legos normally, we are copying a manual or a picture and not using our brain power. With this is was all in our head. *Normally* I don't get involved with Tinker Tuesday and I let him/them figure things out but today I decided to join in on the fun. His robot looked so cool once he was done with it, I wish I had captured a picture before the robots battled!
I never played with Legos as a kid but I'm loving it as an adult! What awesome creations have you made lately? Share pictures if you have them!
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