Quiet Night

So it's almost 9PM on a Wednesday night and I'm realizing how much of a mom I have really become. D isn't home tonight because my mom has him until tomorrow, so I'm just rethinking the day we had before he was picked up (because I am obsessive(?) lol). This is the short version of what I've learned today (just today alone....)

No one tell you that while you do the dishes your 10 month old will play in the toilet.

No one tells you that once you get him out of the toilet and he's playing with toys, he will ninja crawl behind you and go under the kitchen table just to get back to the bathroom....where he then teaches himself how to flush the toilet.

No one tells you that your 10 month old will jump across the living room and attack you because he thinks you have better food than what you gave him.

No one tells you that while most kids hate bath time, that some kids really LOVE it. Mine happens to love it so much that I give him two baths (sometimes three) a day! He plays in one of them and then at his night bath he gets washed up....well no one mentions that when a child loves baths as much as mine they will sit in the bathroom next to the tub, banging on the side, until you decide to let him play in some water. Oh man.

And finally....no one tells you how difficult it will be to give their first hair cut hair trim. D's bangs are thin and he has some longer strands going into his eyes. His hair is also over his ears, just slightly, and he also has what my mother called a duck tail? Fish tail? Something like that in the back of his head....basically it looks like a mullet slightly in the back, especially when it's wet....haha. Anyway...I tried today, I REALLY TRIED! He had just gotten out of the tub not too long before, his hair was slightly wet, so I put him in his booster seat at the table and grabbed the comb and scissors. I WAS GOING TO CUT TRIM HIS HAIR...I SWEAR! But then.......I didn't. And here's why!

Listen...I was nervous. He was perfectly still so my nerves calmed down, I combed his hair, put the scissors up to his forehead and was ready to cut AND HE MOVED HIS HEAD. Okay, panic ensued. I collected myself and he was still again. I grabbed the scissors and went to get back to work and RIGHT before I snipped again he decided he wanted to lean over to look at the floor (quickly I might add.) CHILD DON'T YOU KNOW HOW NERVOUS YOUR MOTHER IS RIGHT NOW?! Oh my.
I took a deep breath and tried once more. Then he had a slight coughing fit (mostly fake, because then he looked at me and smiled....what a stinker!) And I stopped. I was about 30 seconds away from a complete mental breakdown (Okay, so I was really trying not to laugh at the same time....hey, no one said I was sane!) so I decided I had had enough of trying today. Oh well, maybe I will try again tomorrow, or Friday....we'll have to wait and see!

So, since D is gone for the night I will be sitting on my couch watching American Idol and The Real World (because obviously my life needs some drama :-P)

Anyone have any funny parenting stories to tell? My son, he's a character! I love hearing other people's stories as well!


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