Tot School day #3!

Is anyone out there? I sadly do not think anyone (except for my husband and I) is reading this. It's quite sad. :( ANYWAY, it won't stop me, lol, at the very least it will be a little journal I can show my son when he's older!

So day #3 of Tot School was pretty successful! We skipped yesterday because D went to my mom's house (the night before was date night!) and I think him getting out of our apartment and everything improved his mood, lol. So, yes, like I was saying (typing?) we had a great day! My day literally flew by all the way up until the minute Daddy got home!

First, we started off with some Play-Doh. Up until today I had a hard time letting D play with it because he would attempt to eat it. I can proudly say, today was not a day I was nervous! Not once did it even go near his mouth! So proud (it's the little things I tell you!)

You can let them use anything really to help play with it! I used a skewer (I cut off the sharp end and made sure the wood wouldn't splinter or hurt him, but I sat there the entire time) He was just having fun poking at the play-doh, haha.

I love his little face so much! <3

Yeah, when he was done, he very nicely and carefully put all the play-doh back in its container! Little by little, I might add, because he could not understand how that large lump of play-doh fit in that container! :) 

The next thing on our agenda was to color a picture of an apple. Now, I could have handed him a red crayon and a red marker (it is red week, afterall!) but I decided not to. Aaaaaand, I don't think the red crayon touched the apple once. He used black, and blue and green, but I don't think he pressed the red to the paper! Huh. Maybe he's sick of red....

Picasso's masterpiece! :)Also, I have NO idea why he did not color anywhere in the white area. I guess he didn't feel that that needed coloring, lol. 

He ran over to our cubbies and grabbed the bingo dauber (remember the red hand?? Yeahhh) he wanted to play with it again. I said we could but we needed to wait until later (I was planning on painting in the afternoon and figured that would be the perfect time to use it and get messy!)  After this, we went to watch a learning DVD and then he took a nap (two hours, whoa!) 

After his nap and lunch we had kidney bean play! It was more of a brown but it did say red kidney This has no rules, I just give him some objects he can use as scoops and let him go to town. This kept him busy for a good while!

We did a bean drop. I just took an old Huggies container (my mother will tell you I don't throw anything away) and ripped the little rubberized part out with my hand to open the hole wider. 

He was fascinated! He loved watching me open the entire container to dump them back in the white bin. 

What was next? If you guessed the are correct! D LOVES the rice for some reason (between you and me, I think it's because he loves making a mess of the carpet) 

World famous cheese face right there! 

We did end up painting, but it only kept his attention for about 2 minutes! Maybe he just doesn't like painting. was because he kept wanting the bingo dauber for some reason! So we ended up doing that instead! I don't think I got a picture of the dauber paper but I did get one of his painting (which was supposed to be a sponge painting, but he used his hands, mostly)

And we finished the entire day with a red bath! I put a few drops of red food coloring into the tub, with all his red bath toys and I painted some things on the tub walls. It took 3 minutes to clean up and he loved it! He kept starring up at the trees and laughing.

There you have it folks! A fun filled day and we loved every minute of it! Super easy stuff and he had a blast! 


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